Tag Archives: Backlog

The Power of the Backlog

The power of the backlog is incredible in a Scrum world.  If stories are the promise of a future conversation, then the mighty backlog can certainly start, end, or even influence a conversation.

The backlog can start a conversation … “Do you have it on your backlog?”

The backlog is a conversation starter when something new is identified as being a valuable enhancement to a given product.  Of course, value is generally subjective, but in this case, value is in the eye of the Product Owner with input from all the various stakeholders.  Maybe this sort of conversation is started from an executive, a stakeholder, the team, or even the true end user themselves.  Regardless, the backlog is that Scrum-sacred home where cool, hopefully valuable things go to wait until their story is planned into a sprint (and become part of the sprint backlog).  Even if the story never gets planned into a sprint, there is some satisfaction to the person that came up with the idea that it has been considered and is “on the backlog”.   As a ScrumMaster, I know that I feel satisfied when the Product Owner says, “Yep, I’ve got that on the  backlog already”.  If the idea is truly proven to be the next most valuable thing to work on, it should be planned into an upcoming sprint.  If not, it had it’s time on the backlog and maybe it falls off or is killed someday.  Call me sadistic, but I actually enjoy the killing of the occasional low-value backlog item.

The backlog can end a conversation just the same … “That’s not on our sprint backlog. Let’s backlog it for now.”

The backlog is a conversation end-er when something is brought up that isn’t on the current sprint backlog.  It’s amazing how much of an impediment (possible) future work can become if allowed to run wild.  In the old days of traditional waterfall project management, this was called scope creep and typically handled like a change request under whatever change management policy may have existed.  In most cases, meetings were called, the change was assessed, guess-timates were given, and friends or enemies were made as some change committee yeah-ed or nah-ed it.  All of that took time, time away from the team working on the approved scope of the project; more time in some cases than others depending on the degree of the change and the corporate bureaucracy in place.    Under Scrum, the power of the backlog makes clear what is in the current sprint backlog and what should be “backlogged” for a future sprint.  This means the team remains focused on the current sprint.

The backlog influences conversation … “We might want to add another developer to the team. I’ve got a 2 year backlog built up!”

The backlog influences conversations day in and day out throughout the life of the product.  One might even say, the backlog speaks.  The backlog says …

  • How much technical debt still exists for a product (especially if you religiously capture bugs and such in the backlog).
  • How much value remains to be implemented for the product.
  • Whether continued investment in a product or Scrum will continue for 1,2, 3 or however many months/years.
  • All that the team accomplished and the value delivered in past sprints.
  • And, so much more!

So, next time you overhear things like “it’s on the backlog”, “backlog it”, or “it’s not on our sprint backlog”, just remember that it’s all in the power of the backlog.

Agile Limericks

Besides green beer, what better way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day than with a few fun limericks.  With that in mind, I’ve created some Agile limericks for you to enjoy.

As you may recall, limericks are short, witty (sometimes raunchy) 5-line poems with an AABBA rhyming pattern.  Since this may be the first time ever attempted (combining Agile and limericks), please go easy on me.  Feel free to add your own Agile limericks to this post as well.

A Team that has tired of sprints,
Might be sending their PO a hint,
That pace is a matter.
Sprints keep getting fatter.
A pace to sustain the intent.

If the Team had gone with their gut,
They wouldn’t be stuck in a rut.
To accept such a story,
Made the sprint pretty gory,
And next time it won’t make the cut.

As for value, this story had none,
But the stakeholder thought it’d be fun.
With no value in sight,
No one put up a fight,
And never that story got done.

A team member says in a fright,
“An impediment is cause for our plight!”
The ScrumMaster did smell
and let out a yell,
“I’ll squash it with all of my might!”

There was a Product Owner from Naboo,
Constant backlog grooming she’d do.
But groomed it was right,
To her Team’s delight,
And never a story poo-poo.