Monthly Archives: August 2019

PoweredUP Tampa Bay Tech Summit: “Agile Portfolio Management at Catalina”

I have been asked (and somewhat unwittingly and reluctantly agreed) to speak at the upcoming poweredUP Tampa Bay Tech [virtual] Summit on the topic of “Agile Portfolio Management at Catalina“.

At scale, agile requires a well functioning portfolio management process to make the system truly hum. In agile, there is no one right way to do portfolio management. Take a tour of Catalina’s Agile Portfolio Management process to see from top to bottom how we manage priorities and make progress to deliver great value.

Those that know me well know that this must have been an extroverted moment for this introvert as it’s a rare occurrence that I’ll do a talk.  I’ll participate on panels all day but a stand up talk is different.   I guess I figured virtual and only 20 minutes, so why the hell not? Sign up here.
